IceBear paper
IceBear v1.10.0 released
11 February 2025
This version of IceBear adds support for SAML authentication (for example, university or corporate logins, or federated logins such as HAKA or Feide) via Apache mod_shib.
In addition, you can now archive old projects; archived projects and their contents, along with inactive users, are now hidden by default.
IceBear v1.9.3 released
21 May 2024
Version 1.9.3 of IceBear is mainly a maintenance and bugfix release. CSV export of shipments in Diamond format is added, though disabled by default; we recommend that you use the regular shipment submission route wherever possible. There are some small UI improvements, for example "sticky" table column and row headers that don't scroll out of view when looking at long lists.
IceBear v1.9.2 released
5 March 2024
Version 1.9.2 of IceBear is a maintenance and bugfix release.
IceBear at the CCP4 Study Weekend
5 January 2024
We presented "Managing Crystallographic Data With a LIMS" at the CCP4 Study Weekend in Nottingham, UK. You can watch the presentation (beginning about 35 minutes into the recording).
IceBear v1.9.1 released
12 December 2023
Version 1.9.1 of IceBear adds support for pushing from Rigaku imagers to a hosted/remote IceBear instance; previously, only pull from IceBear was supported. Some UI improvements and small bugfixes.
IceBear v1.9 released
Version 1.9 of IceBear gives you a sortable summary of all datasets on the shipment page. For synchrotrons that support it (currently MAX-IV only), IceBear can create proteins in ISPyB on the fly; previously, a protein in the shipment but not on the proposal would cause IceBear to view the shipment as invalid.
IceBear v1.8 released
Version 1.8 of IceBear lets you retrieve data collection and autoprocessing metadata from EXI ISPyB synchrotrons. Synchrotron information is now managed by IceBear. There are improvements to the Rigaku plate importer, along with various fixes and other improvements.
IceBear v1.7 released
Version 1.7 of IceBear lets you retrieve data collection and autoprocessing metadata from ISPyB synchrotrons and associate it with the crystals in your shipment, with a single click. Single-click installation of standard screens from Formulatrix' Rock Maker XML library is now supported. Various bugfixes and performance improvements have been added.
IceBear v1.6 released
Version 1.6 of IceBear adds a mechanism for issuing API keys, enabling other lab equipment to create modify IceBear records. This requires supporting code providing API endpoints on the IceBear server.
IceBear v1.5 released
10 May 2021
Version 1.5 of IceBear lets you add star ratings to your crystals and datasets, disable standard screens, and configure your Formulatrix importer.
IceBear v1.4.1 released
5 April 2021
Version 1.4.1 of IceBear lets you retrieve dataset metadata from ISPyB synchrotrons and associate it with the crystals in your shipment, with a single click.
IceBear v1.4.0 released
15 March 2021
Version 1.4.0 of IceBear is out now. It includes shipment submission to MAX-IV, as well as tools for associating datasets with crystals and PDB depositions.
IceBear at the Instruct-ERIC Workshop on Remote X-ray Data Collection from European Synchrotrons
14-18 May 2018
We presented IceBear at the RXDC workshop, hosted by the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel.